Herefordshire FHS are also holding Free Zoom Meetings, see here
Zoom Meetings at 7-30pm (Meeting open from 7pm)
2024 Zoom Meetings
Tuesday 10th September – Sarah Pettifer – Manorial records: Working with Latin records
This talk will provide tips for researching in pre-1733 manorial court records. Using a case study the talk look at the anatomy of later manorial court records in english and demonstrate how they can be used to understand earlier Latin records. It will also provide some useful frequently used Latin phrases to help read Latin records.
Handout-Manorial records working in Latin
Tuesday 8th October (AGM) – Judy Hill – Misdemeanours and Misdoings – “The Victorian Servant Problem”
The problem of unruly servants was debated in middle-class periodicals and household manuals but was there a large “servant problem” in the Victorian period?
Tuesday 12th Nov – Andrea Hetherington – Great War Widows and Emigration
2023 Archive of Meetings
Tuesday 10th January – Frances Hurd – Officers of the 1st World War
In January 1915 over a hundred young men entered the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, for the first wartime officer training course. This talk follows ten of them through their wartime experiences and after. They came from all over Britain, including two from Wales, and from a range of backgrounds. Family and public archives have been combined to reveal ten ‘lost lives’.
Tuesday 14th Feb – Helen Baggott – Dr Crippen
A new talk, available 2023, shares the story of Dr Crippen’s travels across the Atlantic using postcards sent in the early years of the 20th century. As well as highlighting the story of Crippen, the talk will reveal the true stories of those who sent and received the postcards.
Tuesday 14th March – Debbie Bradley – Migration in the UK.
Our ancestors moved and sometimes great distances. A practical talk about things you need to think about to find your ancestors if they moved around the country.
Tuesday 11th April – John Frearson – The History of Morris Dancing
“The History of Morris Dancing and The Morris Dancing Year. The questions you have never asked – answered! Why is it called Morris? When and where did it start? Why do they do it? The speaker danced the Morris for nearly 30 years – and was the Bagman [national secretary] of The Morris Ring for seven years.
A fully illustrated talk on the history and many forms of Morris dancing through the year.”
Tuesday 9th May – David Turner – Forgotten Staff – Victorian and Edwardian Railwaywomen
The talk will consider the types of roles women undertook on the Victorian and Edwardian railway, their recruitment, their working conditions and the limitations that were placed on their advancement. It will also consider the broader social forces and factors that shaped their employment. The talk will be appealing to those interested in railway history, railway work and women’s employment in Britain in this period.
Tuesday 13th June – Penny Walters – there’s no criminals in my family
Tuesday 11th July – Andrea Hetherington – Deserters of the First World War
The story of the deserters who were shot at dawn then pardoned nearly a century later has often been told, but these 306 soldiers represent a tiny proportion of deserters from the British and Dominion forces. Based on her recent book Deserters of the First World War- the Home Front, Andrea Hetherington will talk about the deserters who disappeared from camps and barracks within Great Britain at an alarming rate. She will explore their motivations and survival strategies and look at the punishments incurred both by the soldiers themselves and by those who sheltered them. What did your ancestor do in the Great War? The answer may surprise you…
Tuesday 8th August – Stephen Gill – Dating old photographs.
How much do you know about your old photos? Who took them, when and why? By really understanding your old photos you’ll get more out of them and be able to add to your family knowledge. Stephen Gill has over fifty years experience as a photographer and is the first professional photo-restorer to be awarded Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society since it’s inception in 1853.
Tuesday 12th September – Gill Blanchard – The Parish Chest.
Discover the importance of the parish for our ancestors, what records were generated and how to use them in family, local and house history research.
Tuesday 10th October (AGM) – AGM and Archive films of Powys and Wales